November 18, 2019 2 min read

It’s important to update your workout gear every so often because your favorite items will experience a lot of wear and tear over time. Perhaps the most important item you should replace regularly is your gym shoes. Follow these signs you need to buy new gym shoes so that you don’t feel the long-term damage.

They Are Five to Six Months Old

A common mistake people make is keeping their gym shoes for too long. If you are someone who works out regularly, a rule of thumb is to replace them every five to six months. Using them to run on a treadmill can prolong their life, but gym shoes generally don’t last longer than a year. Consider how much you are spending on your gym shoes as well, because they can be pretty expensive and may not last as long as you would think.

They Hurt Your Feet

If your gym shoes start to hurt your feet, that’s a clear sign that you are due for a new pair. While there may be an underlying problem, workout shoes today are designed to be incredibly comfortable. The fabric can, however, wear off over time and leave parts of your foot more exposed. If you keep suffering from blisters, it’s probably time for a new pair.

They Are Falling Apart

When you have the chance, inspect your gym shoes for any material that is falling apart. A commonly worn-down area is the shoe’s tread, which may start to detach itself from the rest of the shoe. Since this is the bottom of your shoe, it can be dangerous if you don’t get a new pair.

You’ve Used Them A Lot

Another indicator that you need to buy new gym shoes is if you have used them a lot, primarily for running. This also pertains to using them outside the gym. Keep your gym shoes clean and away from hazardous weather that can affect their lifespan. One easy way to maintain them is to not wear them outside. Invest in home treadmills such as the TRM 631 treadmill. That way, you don’t run the risk of getting your gym shoes dirty.

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